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Hello Anton,I have a further update on this case. She has now cleared up most of my open queries after a 3 hour phone conversation. Please can you put the case on hold, and advise me what payment is needed for the quote, i am guessing ...? In you reply please provide payment details for me to wire the payment across.Many thanks for your time an handling in this matter, and if I need any further hel I will contact you immediately. I will also recommend your service should I be asked. Best Regards,



Main page     


At this page you will find some answers on your some questions.

1. Is your investigation in secret ?
2. How is the probability, that you will have helped me ?
3. I saw sites of your competitors and the prices some of them were somewhat below. Why ?
4. An average salary in Ukraine and in Russia is not too high, but your prices are sometimes almost comparable with it. Why ?
5. How much will the cost be ?

6. What's about terms (duration of the work) ?
7. What are the served regions ?
8. In what form will you give the results to me ?
9. I checked my woman through other on-line data base on my own. Can I trust the result ?
10. I "just" want to find her phone (address, to know if she is a scammer, etc). 
11. I must think about your basic check before, because it is the same money what the women need.

12. May be I am doing a mistake ordering these services ? I do not trust you and am afraid of a fraud.
13. I will hire a flower delivery services for $50. They will resolve all my problems. "If it is less than $50.00 US dollars, continue". So, will you work for $50 ?

Is your investigation in secret ?
Yes it is. Our work is completely confidential. A person under supervision will never know that you are  interesting.
How is the probability, that you will have helped me really ?
At first we will consider your problem. If we will agree to work, then the probability is practically 100 %. Besides we may not take whole fee at once for some cases. For example, we may take some money only in the start of work.  Also it is an important thing: we give your real guarantees.
I saw sites of your competitors and the prices some of them were somewhat below. Why ?
The answer is very simple. Most likely they will not keep their promises. The prices for such works can not be  usually less then we offer you. Our prices are normal for the investigative market of Ukraine and Russia. Only dilettantes can offer very small prices. They don't give you any guarantees. It's like you try to buy a flat in the center of a city. If the price of the flat is in 3 times below, then you will make a conclusion that it's a deception,  swindle. And you will be absolutely right. You will lose your money and stay dissatisfied. There is a good  Russian saying : "Free cheese can be only in the mouse trap."
An average salary in Ukraine and in Russia is not too high, but your prices are sometimes almost comparable with it. Why ? 
We understand your desire as a client to pay less. But it's necessary to take into account that our  expenses  are comparable with the expenses of our competitors from Europe and USA. Here are several examples: 

  1. 1 minute of talking by mobile phone in Ukraine costs 0.50 $. It is an equal price like in Europe.
  2. The prices of the special equipment (cameras, video-cameras, etc, which we use in our work) are even more expensive, than in Europe.
  3. The bases of data, the telecommunicate lines are rather worse and not enough developed in Ukraine. Therefore we have often to obtain this information by the manual way.
  4.The petrol for our cars (which we use in our work) costs the same price like in Europe or in USA.
  5. Our bureaucrats are more corrupt and venal than any officials in other counties.
  6. Nowadays salaries of high experienced specialists in Ukraine and Russia are almost the same as in other European countries. If you would like that your case was considered by professionals, then please, trust us. If you want to save on quality, then you can address to dilettantes. Their prices can be lower.
We suppose that it is enough of examples in order to understand our situation.  Our prices can not be smaller  than they are. We have really very reasonable rates.
How much will the cost be ?
The cost of our work strongly depends on complexity of a task. At first we may take part of pay or all amount.  Usually the cost of our work is within $200-2000 USD. Look at our prices.
What's about terms (duration of the work) ?
Usually the duration is within 2- 5 days. It depends on the complexity of the work and on the region. Look at  the terms.
What are the served regions ? 
The served regions are within Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and in some of other countries. For details go to regions
I checked my woman on-line on my own. Can I trust the results ?
In our work we do not relay on any doubtful or unreliable lists/data bases of "known scammers".
Often women are entered in those lists absolutely wrongly. The general reasons are:
  - offended gentlemen, who got the lady's rejection. The result can be opposite: a decent woman is blamed as a scammer.
  - scam sites, who need more and more listed women in their data bases. This is a astonishing thing, however according to the amount of existing scam-sites and the amount of "members" in their bases it seems that whole Internet spends all time on doing scam.
  - namesake with common used name (persons bearing the same surname as the lady).
  - and even simple errors.

According to our experience before to blame somebody for scam or to justify it's necessary to fulfill the real independent investigation rather than to relay on unreliable sources.
Another example from a real client:

"I must think about your basic check before, because it is the same money what the women need. "
--- Do you consider this correct when you give your money to the possible swindler without any regret ?
We think this is much more correct if you pay the same money for services which will help you
in all your further communications/relationships with her in the future.

I "just" want to find her phone (address, to know if she is a scammer, etc). 
You are a grown-up person and of course, you understand that in order to "simply" find the cell phone of the object we often need to accomplish a full service of people search. We are not a magician, who looks into his mysterious mirror and inform the result to you the same minute. Or another example: "I simply want to know how to earn a billion". Yes, the sentence is easy, but the way is long. Your simple formulating (wording) of the task  does not mean simple execution.  Be reasonable in your wishes.
Here is another point. Some of our clients think that to pay 10 USD the dating agency for the lady's address is too expensive. That is why these clients address us trying to dodge the dating agency, if possible. The clients hope that our prices will be even less then 10USD. This is a big mistake. You must realize clearly,
that these are absolute different levels of specialists. The prices of dating agencies can be 10 USD or even Free of charge. However the reliability of their products/services is low/nothing as well. The marriage agencies can disfigure the real lady's personal details (name, DOB, photos, etc) or the lady can do it on her own. So, you will find her never by means such data. That is why such clients do not have any chances as well when they look for a advertising agency to place an ad about his lady. The client hopes that it will bring the proper result. We know the real quality of such Internet ad agencies very well and consequently know the real effectiveness of such "advertising way" to search people. You will spend money and time but receive nothing.
Our agency will correct all those mistakes, find out the truth. Our staff is serious people, who do the difficult complex work, and provide our clients with only reliable guaranteed results, that costs certain money, of course. If you agree with this, you will become our client. In this case you are welcome.
May be I am doing a mistake ordedring these services ? 
Often our potential clients have some doubts if they should order those services or not. We understand reasons of their fears. Usually people are afraid of possible disclosing of their privacy/confidentiality, they doubt if it is enough ethical, if they receive the results after pay on-line, etc. We tell such people that: our company are created to protect them against  possible fraud/scam, not to deceive them, we guarantee our/their secrecy during investigations, we guarantee a refund or a partial refund if it is impossible to complete the investigation for some reasons, we have been working for many years on-line and got a lot of good testimonials from our satisfied real clients. You can make sure personally reading their opinions about our work. You can try and check personally if you can trust us. Just fulfill and send the on-line form for our consideration. After personal communications with our staff we hope to destroy many of  your possible doubts/fears. It will be your first step to find the personal assistant and the reliable constant partner  in resolving of your problems.
If you still have doubts and fears, we think, you should not address us and use our services at all. It will be just wasting your and our time.  Unfortunately we are not ready to persuade the too doubting client, because each minutes of our staff's work costs certain money. If you are a serious client, let's work.
In which form will you give the results to me ? 
We will send the detailed report to you by E-mail or by usual slow post, if you need. If the investigation demands, then the report will be detailed in hours and minutes plus photos. Also we can send you audio and video file or tape.
I will hire a flower delivery services for $50. They will resolve all my problems. "If it is less than $50.00 US dollars, continue". So, will you work for $50?
We are sorry again. Here is the detailed explanation.
1. Let me clarify the situation at first. We are a professional detective agency, that works mainly with serious clients. They usually pay from 500 to 5000 USD for 1 case. Some of them up to 10 000 USD. But to work for $50 -- sorry. It does not even cover initial expenses for the detailed analysis of client's case. We respect our work and the work of our detectives, who are specialists in their deal.

2. According to our experience some of our clients try "to save" looking for different "flower delivery services" in order to check addresses for 50-250 USD.
This method has always a very serious omission (gap). Most modern scammers simply appoint a meeting with the courier somewhere at "a comfortable place" by means of a cell phone, or "the girl" sends somebody ("a friend", "mother", etc) instead herself.
So, she swindles the local courier or even may easy come to an agreement with him. Besides those addresses are usually simply dummy (suborned or a temporary rented flat).
As result, the client(sender) thinks fondly that he has managed to check "the address" and even "the lady" for "$50" only and hastily transfers to his "dear loving girl" the next 1500 USD for her "needs". But in fact such "check" almost always influences serious consequences like a much bigger financial or emotional harm in short future because of the inventive fraud. We constantly face this situation every day. We know cases when clients lost 30 000, 50 000 and even 150 000 USD !!! Please, trust us, this "flower" method "for $50" is not able to protect you against the modern very sly scam. Frankly speaking, it is ridiculous.
Moreover if the client returns to us back again when he had already got the problems after such check, then unfortunately we can not take the case, because dilettantes from the "flower service" have already completely damaged the investigation and to catch the crafty scammer will be much harder and expensive.

3. As a detective agency we use absolutely different methods in our work. Our results are reliable and our clients can always trust them. Such results can never be achieved by non-professionals. Usually client pay us only 1-5 % from the whole amount, that can be rescued.
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